The Real Reason For Authenticity

Authenticity and Social Media
The first time I posted a video on Facebook-
Let me get to the few months before I posted a video where I stalled and siked myself up because I was so afraid of what people might think of me.
A little background, I am a part of an online community. I started over a year ago. The community is welcoming and really feels like family. Despite all this I am afraid of posting a video.
I finally got up enough nerve to post. My first video was about authenticity. This was the start of my journey with social media. Following the first post, completely vulnerable, as I had broken my arm a few weeks before. I started participating in a 90-day video challenge. These were short videos 1-2 minutes in length. I posted them everyday in this group.
Each time I posted a video, it became easier for me to open up about me. I found that this community didn’t know my history or have any judgments. They didn’t know me. They know me now, not then.
It was easier for me to talk about life experiences, depression, illnesses, and loss with this group than my own family. Part of this was because my family was suffering too.
This opened my eyes to one reason why we fear social media the most. Or at least why I did. I was afraid that if I let the real me come out that my friends would leave, my family would scatter. They would think I am conceited or looking for pity. They would disapprove. They, they, they…It didn’t sink in that I could help them and in the process myself.
I still don’t think I am completely comfortable with my social media presence. I often wonder if the ones that appear to have it all together really do.
If I wouldn’t have taken the risk or moved past the fear of the first post, I wouldn’t have had the support of this network that became family to me. Social media provided a platform for the interaction and relationships.
So, there may be some people that I don’t talk to today and it may be because of my posts. But, if it is, then they were never my friends. And it’s not about how they—think and feel. It’s about family and friends. It’s about the lives that are changing because of overcoming this fear of being vulnerable and open.
It’s about the ability to reach people in a way I couldn’t on my own.
This is why I hear so many people say, be yourself, be vulnerable, open and authentic. It’s true. 

Marketing | The Machinery

Marketing- The Machinery
Joe owns a chemical company. He spends 10 hours a day in his warehouse. At the end of his day, he has 10 gallons of cleaner that he has mixed. Tina comes along and offers a piece of machinery that will mix 1000 gallons of chemicals a day. Yet, the equipment costs more than Joe thought. Joe is torn between making the decision to hold onto his money or spend it and take the risk.
Joe has not been able to interact with his customers the way that he wants to. He enjoys sales and likes to talk to his customers. That’s why he started business in the first place, to help his customers have a cleaner home using his chemicals.
He goes home after a hard day’s work and he thinks about it. He doesn’t want to spend this money. But, the equipment would save him time and give him the freedom to do more of what he wants.
Joe calls Tina the next day and decides that he’s going to buy this piece of machinery. The equipment arrives and is set up. Soon, Joe is able to spend his workday in a stocked warehouse with customers he enjoys spending time with.
The benefits –
Taking this risk has proven to be a solid return of investment for Joe’s business. Joe is now making ten times more profit than he was before. He has grown his customer base from fifteen to one hundred customers in three months. In fact, Joe has made enough money to pay off the machinery completely. Joe calls Tina and thanks her for helping him save time, money, and resources. He now has the freedom to do what he enjoys most in his business.
This is the same concept with marketing. As a business owner, you can only juggle so many things at one time. You can only produce so much content, visibility, and reach for your business alone. Make use of your machine.
It’s easy to overthink an investment and later regret that you didn’t do anything about it. Your machine delivers customers that you want to work with and a business that you can scale. Marketing is that efficient machine to make your life easier as
an entrepreneur.

Three Common Mistakes in Social Media Marketing

Common Mistakes in Social Media Marketing


  1. Following someone else’s identity instead of establishing your own

It’s easy to get caught up looking at everyone else’s social profiles and trying to be what they are. The result is feeling forced, a sense of pressure, and a lack of authenticity. There are unique qualities about you that your audience likes. God made each of us different and there is no one like you. If we were all the same, the world would be very boring.


Remember that your community is valuable and focus on providing value to them. If the community is smaller this shouldn’t be a discouragement. You are able to engage with the smaller community followers that trust you. Our community is a small group of friends. You sit down with your friends and give them honest advice, do the same with your community in your platforms.


  1. Not Streamlining your workflow


Posting content and responding without using a centralized scheduling tool. When you’re jumping from platform to another without a plan in place, you’re actually spending more time on your marketing. Plan it out on a content scheduler and have a centralized area for responding to your customers. Planning out your content also helps you maintain credibility, by giving you adequate time to research your topics. You’re not speaking off the top of your head, your content is relevant because you took the time to research.


  1. Running out of content

Have a list of content available beforehand. This sets you up for success in providing value to your audience. Focus on what your customers are asking you. Use this information to drive more content in the form of a response. When you focus on the same content your audience will lose interest. Mix up your content by making a list of different questions that you received from your clients or customers. Answer those questions for your topics.


Your responses will also help prepare you for sales conversations and gain confidence. When you write down your list of responses you are more likely to remember them. ” A study of university students and recent graduates has revealed that writing on physical paper can lead to more brain activity when remembering the information an hour later.” (Ref: footer) Researchers say writing by hand on physical paper is likely what leads to improved memory.


Challenges are necessary for any type of growth. Identifying some common mistakes and coming up with a game plan before will save you time and help you provide more value to your customers. Establish your own identity. Streamline your workflow with scheduling. Keep yourself aware of what your customers are asking by writing a list and you won’t run out of content. Social media marketing is supposed to be fun. Be you and engage with your community.



Creating Content For Social Media


Creating content is about creating the habit so that you can be consistent. Consistency is key with social media because it is not the same as face-to-face interaction. Face to face interaction takes less time than social media does. One way that you can save time with your content is to repurpose it. Post it first and then move it around to different social media platforms. It is the intention behind the content that matters. Thinking of it as “we get to do it” instead of “we have to do it”.

Grab attention and then hold the attention. Your audience wants to interact with someone that they know like and trust 1. focus on the foundation of your content by storytelling, giving value, and brand awareness 2. provide resources and value in your post, do what feels natural to you, what aligns with your mission, what you’re passionate about and be authentic. If it feels forced, it’s not going to convert. You must be OK with who you are. Attraction marketing is about expression and an opportunity to build a relationship with your client.

The more content you create the more clarity you will gain. Do some research and find out how people feel with your content. Here are a few questions to keep in mind when you’re creating content. Does your audience like video or photos better? Go in with the mindset of service and leadership, truly wanting to help your audience. It’s not just about sales. What are your values? Is your Content in direct alignment with your values, your story, your mission and your purpose? Remember that we are backed by purpose not a paycheck.

There are three types of content video, audio, and print. Scale the one type of content that you like and that your customers engage with the most. Previously content was mostly created on commercials, TV, and radio. Today content is created more on YouTube, podcasts and in social media. 80% of people are visual learners so video is a great way to engage with your audience. Print content is normally in the form of quotes for short form and storytelling for long form content. Live videos are an opportunity to build instant engagement with your audience and provide a useful way to interact with them in real time. You can mix all of these content types too your audience to find out which one resonates with them the most but also to give your audience a different views on your content based on what they like.

How does your brand make your audience feel? Your brand is the soul of your business, your name, values, personality, energy. It’s the storytelling of your business and the relationship connection. Your brand brings awareness to your business. Lead by example and stay in alignment with what you believe.

PPC – Pay Per Click

It’s Not About Beating The Algorithm

It’s not about beating the algorithm but here’s how posts work:
You are more likely to see content from 1. Your friends and businesses you frequent 2. Type of content you interact with- If you interact with more video, you’ll see more video. If you engage with photos, you’ll see more photos. 3. Interactions– content that you interact with on a regular basis.
Each post ranks based on these signals. There are also options for you that help you customize favorites. You can select up to 30 people to add as your favorites. There is a preference in your feed for posts that you don’t want to see. You can click on the post and see the option of I don’t want to see this and then hide it. Facebook will show less of these posts, customizing your experience. You can also hide certain ads.
Here are some ways to use social media to advertise your business:
Most advertising platforms offer users with different options like image ads. These ads involve the use of single or multiple images that are attractive and have the optimal amount of text. They also have a call to action that encourages user interaction.
You can use video ads to create a brand for yourself and drive audience interest. Short videos are great for engaging your audience. Social media platforms also allow you to target audiences based on demographics like age, location, gender, and more.
Use a social media calendar to schedule your video and image posts so that you are consistent. This allows you to provide more content for your audience because you can save time posting so often. Use this time to research and provide meaningful content to your audience.

Target Your Audience Using Customer Analytics

Your target audience is who is going to buy your product. It’s easy to have a broad look on a target audience.
If you’re a real estate agent, a broad look at your target audience is going to be a person who wants to buy or sell a home. By working with more homebuyers and sellers you can determine who it is you like to work with most. You may like to work with struggling home buyers that need guidance and resources to get them to a close. You may like to organize all the resources for them so you can tailor their experience and needs.
Defining your target audience is a “win win” for you and your customer. You are happy fulfilled working with the type of customer that you enjoy helping. Your happiness is going to draw in more clients. No one wants to work with someone who hates their job.
Likewise, your customer is happy and they thrive on the relationship that you have with them. They thrive on the trust that you establish with them.
Your marketing strategies play a huge role in making your work more meaningful. Marketing makes it easier to work with the customers that you desire to work with.
Finding your target audience helps you narrow your tone of voice down to your niche. You have a natural way of doing business. There are customers that gravitate to you because of who you are and your brand.
It may take some time to find out who your target audience is. To gauge that you need to produce content. This takes research on your business subjects. What are similar markets putting out there in content/and how can you put your own spin on it to match your brand?
You want this to feel as natural as possible because it’s coming from you in alignment with your brand. You have your own way of presenting your business that’s different from everyone else. Your customers are following you and engaging with you because they like your brand – You are your brand.
A lot of times it’s easy to overthink your content and instead of doing what comes natural to you. The work does not get done and it becomes more difficult to produce content. Read about what you love in your business and put it to use. The more you write and talk about it, the better.
The rest of the analytics comes from systems. There are so many resources now that will take all this information for you and compile it into graphs.
There are 5 ways you can I know who your target audience is and market to them
1. Set up a mock campaign with a look alike group.
2. Target people based on their interests rather than their page likes.
3. See which posts are getting the most likes and shares as it relates to your business. Review it so that you can adjust your content to reach your target audience.
4. Use a test group or software designed to analyze your customer behavior.
5. A great way to find out how your target audience is using a combination of both paid and organic posts. This will test the effectiveness of your outreach marketing campaigns.
You can always outsource this so you can do what you want in your business, work with your ideal customers.
modern marketing

Social Media Marketing- How to Engage with Your Customers

Social media marketing can often times feel intimidating as a business owner. It is necessary today especially when it comes to engaging with your customers.
  1. Social media marketing helps you express yourself creatively while representing your brand. 
  1. You will learn how well you are reaching your audience and refine who your target audience is. 
  1. You have an opportunity to engage with your customers unlike traditional marketing.
You have your own unique voice and image for your business. How are other businesses are engaging with their customers? Add your own creative twist to the content you’ve researched. See how your customers are responding and which posts they like the most. Use the best fit when it comes to a combination of video and post content for you and your audience. 
You can see how your audience is interacting with you and what questions they are asking. You now have the advantage to go back into product awareness and make adjustments. This will give your customers clarity before they even have a chance to ask you. You will be able to narrow down who your audience is by the responses you are getting . This will enable you to connect with them on a deeper level with content you know they enjoy. 
Social media opens doors for your customers or audience to reach out to you right away. They are more than likely already on social media so they are ready to respond and engage with you. This is great advantage over traditional marketing efforts. When you are able to respond now, customers are more likely to do business with you. Your customers will definitely move on to the next company if you aren’t engaging with them.  
Have fun producing your content! Your customers know if this is a task for you in the way you present it. If you find that you are struggling with scheduling your content, hire a manager or try some online media schedulers to help. Remember to stay ahead of the game with your digital marketing strategy.
What is SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO includes small modifications to your content. When combined with other optimizations, these modifications could have a noticeable impact on your site’s user experience. SEO will also improve your performance in organic search results. Your website benefits your users. A search engine is one of your users. SEO helps search engines understand content and present it. Search Engine Optimization makes your site better for search engines.
PPC – Pay Per Click

PPC – Pay Per Click

What is PPC?
PPC is pay per click. Each time someone clicks on your ads you pay a fee. It is like buying visits to your site. You only pay if the person doing the searching clicks.
PPC is beneficial for more immediate results. Your ad is on the first page of search engine results. Optimized PPC is cost effective, and you can run many ad campaigns for each keyword.
As a business owner you can decide how much you’re going to spend on each keyword. PPC is a cost-effective way of advertising.
With Pay Per Click there is a clear correlation between cost and performance.
There are a rising number of users on digital platforms. Incorporating PPC has proven to be convenient for businesses. It is one of the fastest ways to draw in immediate traffic and it is reliable. PPC will result in a high return on investment when done correct.
It is also important that your traffic directs to a landing page and not just your homepage. The message on your landing page should be specific to your search engine ad. You want relevant traffic, rather than enough or more.
You can target your audiences based on their interests, location, keywords, and behavior. This gives your business greater lead quality
PPC is measurable and allows you to track the effectiveness of your campaign. You can increase or decrease your spending depending on the results of your ads. You can make changes as you run your campaigns to see what works for you.
PPC also helps with generating brand awareness for your business.
For optimal results use PPC and search engine optimization together. With both services there is greater visibility and return on investment. Pay Per Click gives SEO a boost.
You can use data from your PPC campaigns to refine your organic keyword strategies. Use negative keywords as this will prevent your ad from showing up for a search phrase that might not work for you. If you’re selling used cars, you would use “new cars” as a negative keyword. This prevents someone who searches for new cars from seeing your listing and clicking on it. You would be spending your ad money without getting a legitimate visitor to your site.
You can also use PPC ad campaigns in social media platforms. When you set up your campaign you can list specifics on how you want to define your target audience. Which location you want to market to, the range of ages of the people who you want to see your ads, the time frame, and budget.
PPC is a customizable solution for digital marketing. Consider working on SEO for your business and running a PPC campaign for immediate results. Drive high quality traffic and increase your visibility with pay per click advertising.
Campaign Creators

Marketing Agencies

A marketing agency will help your business grow by making sure that your listings are appearing consistently online. Marketing agencies help businesses achieve their goals and reach a broad customer base. We improve campaign results, help our clients rank higher, and drive traffic to your website.