PPC – Pay Per Click

It’s Not About Beating The Algorithm

It’s not about beating the algorithm but here’s how posts work:
You are more likely to see content from 1. Your friends and businesses you frequent 2. Type of content you interact with- If you interact with more video, you’ll see more video. If you engage with photos, you’ll see more photos. 3. Interactions– content that you interact with on a regular basis.
Each post ranks based on these signals. There are also options for you that help you customize favorites. You can select up to 30 people to add as your favorites. There is a preference in your feed for posts that you don’t want to see. You can click on the post and see the option of I don’t want to see this and then hide it. Facebook will show less of these posts, customizing your experience. You can also hide certain ads.
Here are some ways to use social media to advertise your business:
Most advertising platforms offer users with different options like image ads. These ads involve the use of single or multiple images that are attractive and have the optimal amount of text. They also have a call to action that encourages user interaction.
You can use video ads to create a brand for yourself and drive audience interest. Short videos are great for engaging your audience. Social media platforms also allow you to target audiences based on demographics like age, location, gender, and more.
Use a social media calendar to schedule your video and image posts so that you are consistent. This allows you to provide more content for your audience because you can save time posting so often. Use this time to research and provide meaningful content to your audience.
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